Four-beam tiled-aperture coherent beam combining of high-power femtosecond laser with two compressors

Chun Peng, Xunzheng Li, Yan Xiao Liang, Ruxin Li
2021 IEEE Photonics Journal  
The former reports of coherent beam combining (CBC) in the ultra-intense ultra-short laser field focus on the phase control technology and two-beam CBC. To study the four-beam tiled-aperture CBC in the ultra-intense and ultra-short laser field, we demonstrate four-beam CBC of femtosecond laser pulses based on chirped pulse amplification (CPA) scheme. In this experiment, the four beams were compressed using two grating compressors to simulate the situation in ultra-intense and ultra-short laser
more » ... BC systems. To achieve real-time measurement of the phase error between the four beams, we introduced a continuous reference laser and the phases of beams 2, 3, and 4 were locked to beam 1.A combined efficiency of 57% was achieved. Although the coherent combining efficiency is not very high, the possibility of a fourbeam CBC based on the CPA scheme was confirmed, especially with different grating compressors which can reduce the limitation of gratings in single beam petawatt lasers. Finally, the remaining difficulties in the implementation of CBC of four beams and the methods to improve its efficiency were analyzed. The use of CBC in ultra-intense and ultrashort laser systems is of considerable significance.
doi:10.1109/jphot.2021.3132362 fatcat:crsiidbssnanxicfi4dpkkkjta