Novel MIMO method for high mobility environments using Schubert cell decomposition

Tatsumi Konishi, Hiroyuki Nakano, Yoshikazu Yano, Michihiro Aoki
2022 IEICE Communications Express  
A noncoherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) method that is effective in high mobility environments is proposed based on Grassmannian MIMO signaling, which is a well-known noncoherent MIMO scheme. The proposed method leverages the property that the Grassmannian can be decomposed into non-overlapping parts called Schubert cells, and assigns information to the Schubert cells for transmission. Furthermore, a multi-resolution MIMO system that incorporates the proposed method is developed,
more » ... its error performance is evaluated. The results show that the information assigned to each Schubert cell is correctly decoded even at the normalized Doppler frequency f d T s = 0.1 in the multi-resolution MIMO system.
doi:10.1587/comex.2022xbl0106 fatcat:pskgzrjthjfgjladqhpjwn5vke