An empirical investigation of program spectra

Mary Jean Harrold, Gregg Rothermel, Rui Wu, Liu Yi
1998 Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering - PASTE '98  
A variety of expensive software maintenance and testing tasks require a comparison of the behaviors of program versions. Program spectra have recently been proposed as a heuristic for use in pcrforrning such comparisons. To assess t,lrc potential 11sefulness of spectra in this cont,ext, we conducted an experiment that examined the relationship bct,wccn program spectra and program behavior, and empirically compared several types of spectra. This paper reports the results of that experiment,.
doi:10.1145/277631.277647 dblp:conf/paste/HarroldRWY98 fatcat:dts5xxac6fawdbrjrnuv3r2nua