Formal functional description of semantic web services

Li Ye, Junliang Chen
2006 Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Service-oriented software engineering - SOSE '06  
The semantic encoding of Web Service description is the foundation of automation. This paper proposes the Logic Description Method (LDM) which is formal, concise, and expressive. Service descriptions and knowledges (rules) are represented as first-order logic formulas which grasp the straightforward and natural semantics of them. 'I'nput, 'O'utput, 'R'elationship, 'P'recondition, and 'E'ffects are selected as the five essentials to define a service's function. The 'IORPE' are all represented as
more » ... predicates. Knowledge-base is used to gather all the definitions of knowledges and predicates. It buildup a firm semantic environment where services have unambiguous functional definition. Furthermore, the semantic of a composed service can be easily inferred in first-order logic. So that it can then be verified with the semantic of the request to check for correctness. An example is set up to show how all the features of LDM works.
doi:10.1145/1138486.1138498 fatcat:ibet4vggcfcynkqjwsqsedhzdi