Integration of distributed event detection in wireless motion-based training devices

Norman Dziengel, Marco Ziegert, Martin Seiffert, Jochen Schiller, Georg Wittenburg
2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics -Berlin (ICCE-Berlin)  
Athletes can improve their skills by using supervising training devices with integrated digital feedback. For example, martial art techniques are often complex in detail and need to be perfectly adopted from the teacher. Distributed event detection systems for digital devices enhance the individual training, resulting in a higher precision of the technique repetition. Distributed event detection, as employed in Wireless Sensor Networks, enables cooperative evaluation and detection of spatialy
more » ... temporaly distributed events like fire or earthquakes. We evaluate the feasibility of integrating a distributed event detection approach into a wireless motion-based training device, to support fight stick training. We present an ubiquitous computing device for in-network event detection, which enables users to obtain direct feedback from the device itself. Multiple sensors help to improve the reliability of the device, while the wireless technology ensures flexibility in a multi-part device. After a brief introduction to distributed event detection, we evaluate event detection accuracy and how link quality effects different scenarios.
doi:10.1109/icce-berlin.2011.6031860 fatcat:l3tckesg7ragpfb23mzmi7p44q