Two Infant Girls of CNS Leukemia with Chronic Subdural Hematoma

Mako MURAKAMI, Masahiro SAKO, Yoshiyuki TAKUBO, Kimiko NAKAGAWA, Shouzaburo KONISHI, Akira FUJINAMI, Giichi TSUJINO
1989 The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology  
We observed two infants with CNS leukemia in which CT brain scans show chronic subdural hematoma. Later, the one relapsed hematologically, and died due to severe infection six months after onset. The other obtained complete remission and received cranial radiation of 24 Gy at the age of one year. Three months after radiotherapy, she developed severe generalized convulsion. CT evaluated diffuse intracranial calcifications and co-existing subdural hematoma. We suspect that in the latter case, the
more » ... causative factors of early progession of the adverse effects following cranial radiation are that the onset of her disease is in infancy and with CNS leukemic infiltration, and that the age at which radiation was received is low (one year). Moreover, we suspected that the existence of chronic subdural hematoma contributed to progression of the adverse effects.
doi:10.11412/jjph1987.3.83 fatcat:idavtbb2frd5vp2o5zliuee2tm