Islamic Branding and Social Media: Implications on Stay Decisions in Sharia Hotel (Survey on Guest Staying at Noor Hotel: Moeslim Boutique Hotel Bandung)

D D Andini, M Adib Sultan, N Sri Wulandari, M Nurfitriya
2019 KnE Social Sciences  
Public awareness of Moslem-friendly tourism is increasing but it has not been followed by supporting facilities such as places of worship, halal food and beverages, also sharia hotel. On the other hand, the growth of moslem tourist visiting in 2014 was 30% to 40% higher than the growth of conventional tourists who come to Indonesia but had not been matched by the availability of adequate sharia hotels. This research uses primary data through online questionnaire distribution on one of social
more » ... ia platforms called instagram. The population in this research are the guests who stay in Noor Hotel Bandung with samples of 100 respondents with purposive sampling technique. The method used in this reasearch is descriptive verivicative with multiple linear regression test equipment. The results show that Islamic branding is in the highest category and social media is in medium category. While on multiple regression test, islamic branding and social media have a significant positive effect to the decision to stay at Noor Hotel. R square value of 0.492 or 49.2% means that the decision to stay at Noor Hotel is influenced by Islamic Branding and social media by 49%, while the rest 51% is influenced by other factors not examined by the author.
doi:10.18502/kss.v3i13.4237 fatcat:bm6crgxjvzfgtj325qs6ykrhge