Low Temperature Effect on Strained and Relaxed Ge pFinFETs STI Last Processes

A. V. d. Oliveira, E. Simoen, P. G. D. Agopian, J. A. Martino, J. Mitard, L. Witters, R. Langer, N. Collaert, A. Thean, C. Claeys
2016 ECS Transactions  
Ge pFinFETs, fabricated either with an STI last process on a Geon-Si virtual substrates or a SiGe strain-relaxed buffer, have been systematically evaluated at temperatures from 200 K down to 77 K. In the first cases, the Ge channel is relaxed, while in the second case, compressively strained fins have been obtained. Cryogenic testing shows to be an important tool for evaluating the static device performance parameters and it helps to resolve the impact of strain on the drain current. Apart from
more » ... that, the off-state leakage in the subthreshold region can be evaluated as a function of temperature, showing that besides thermal Shockley-Read-Hall generation, other field-assisted mechanisms play a role. 10.1149/07504.0213ecst ©The Electrochemical Society ECS Transactions, 75 (4) 213-218 (2016) 213 ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2019-06-26 to IP
doi:10.1149/07504.0213ecst fatcat:awstpxoz7vf47jz63d75r2qclm