Impact of FinFET with plural number of channel width using novel one step of trench formation process on fabrication cost for system LSI

Yu Hiroshima, Shigeyoshi Watanabe
2018 Contemporary Engineerng Sciences  
Impact of FinFET with plural number of channel width using novel one step of trench formation process on fabrication cost for system LSI has been described. Novel one step of trench formation process are realized by using trench etching process for various sizes of trench openings and dummy pattern between adjacent trenches. With these technologies fabrication cost of cell library for system LSI can be reduced to 11-15% compared with that of conventional planar transistor process. Proposed
more » ... ologies are promising candidate for realizing future high density system LSI design with cell library.
doi:10.12988/ces.2018.88442 fatcat:t3mjp2xv7vfrdirqsh6lajzyiq