Online Learning Motivation

Indri Ayu Widiyanti, Jajat S. Ardiwinata, Laksmi Dewi
2021 Proceedings of the First Transnational Webinar on Adult and Continuing Education (TRACED 2020)   unpublished
Online learning became popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where the government sets rules that prohibit learning activities carried out formally or informally, meetings and other activities that require people to meet face to face. As a new learning activity, online learning experiences many obstacles, both in terms of the process and the people involved in it. An effort is needed, so that people will be motivated to do learning independently. Motivation is fundamental in determining the
more » ... c reasons for someone to do something. Efforts to find out people's motivation in conducting online learning are carried out by distributing surveys with different backgrounds. This survey was distributed to people of productive age in West Java. The findings obtained, that online learning is carried out because it is a fundamental need, even though it is only to abort obligations. However, on the other hand, their intrinsic motivation is positive, online learning makes people willing to be lifelong learners and hopes that their efforts in online learning can be recognized by certain parties.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210508.013 fatcat:exdzt5s6pbf2joy36sv7up5wja