Correlated atomic motions in liquid deuterium fluoride studied by coherent quasielastic neutron scattering

F. Fernandez-Alonso, S. E. McLain, J. W. Taylor, F. J. Bermejo, I. Bustinduy, M. D. Ruiz-Martín, J. F. C. Turner
2007 Journal of Chemical Physics  
Structure and dynamics of ionic liquids: Trimethylsilylpropyl-substituted cations and bis(sulfonyl)amide anions The collective dynamics of liquid deuterium fluoride are studied by means of high-resolution quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering over a range of four decades in energy transfer. The spectra show a low-energy coherent quasielastic component which arises from correlated stochastic motions as well as a broad inelastic feature originating from overdamped density oscillations.
more » ... le these results are at variance with previous works which report on the presence of propagating collective modes, they are fully consistent with neutron diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and infrared/Raman experiments on this prototypical hydrogen-bonded fluid.
doi:10.1063/1.2743021 pmid:17600427 fatcat:xru3tq4f2naine6hac3yzv2a3q