Determination of charm quark mass from temporal moments of charmonium correlator with Mobius domain-wall fermion

Katsumasa Nakayama, Brendan Fahy, Shoji Hashimoto
2017 Proceedings of 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2016)   unpublished
We extract the charm quark mass and the strong coupling constant from the charmonium current correlators calculated with n f = 2 + 1 Mobius domain wall fermions. We match our lattice calculation for the temporal moments of the correlator with perturbative result known up to fourloop order, and extract the charm quark mass with uncertainty less than 1%. Using the temporal moments, we also confirm the correlators in the vector channel to be consistent with the experimental data for the R-ratio.
more » ... used the ensembles generated by the JLQCD collaboration at lattice spacings a = 0.080 fm, 0.055 fm and 0.044 fm. 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
doi:10.22323/1.256.0192 fatcat:2vfgghqczzcnbksvgxc4pukaya