Predicting youth apathy and exclusion: Macedonian high-school students and their relations to their communities
Jana Korunovska-Srbijanko, Neda Korunovska-Avramovska, Tanja Maleska
Predviđanje apatije i isključenosti mladih: makedonski srednjoškolci i njihov odnos prema zajednici ABSTRACT In order to understand the youth's growing apathy and cynicism towards society, this paper examines the relationships between civic engagement, volunteerism, parental support, peer support, the support of the educational system, extra-curricular activities, religious affiliation, as well as attitudes among high-school students in the Republic of Macedonia. A representative sample of 3607
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... high-school students in thirteen towns across the country indicates that the support from the educational system, involvement in extra-curricular activities and trust in institutions, society and oneself are the strongest predictors of civic engagement and volunteerism. Parental support (whether respondents engaged in discussions about civic problems with their parents), while important in the past, loses its significance in the present. Discussions with peers seem to replace the role of the parents. Religious affiliation is not meaningfully related to civic engagement and volunteerism. Theoretical and practical implications in regard to social integration are discussed. KEY WORDS social integration, civic engagement, volunteerism, high-school students, parental support, educational system, religion, attitudes, Republic of Macedonia APSTRAKT U članku se ispituju odnosi izmeđi građanskog angažovanja, volontiranja, podrške roditelja, vršnjačke grupe i obrazovnog sistema, vanškolskih aktivnosti, religijske pripadnosti, kao i stavova srednjoškolaca u Republici Makedoniji, sa namerom da se razume rastuća apatija mladih i cinizam prema društvu. Reprezentativni uzorak 3607 srednjoškolaca u trinaest gradova iz cele zemlje ukazuje da su podrška obrazovnog sistema, uključenost u vanškolske aktivnosti i poverenje u institucije najjači prediktori građanskog angažmana i volontiranja. Podrška roditelja (da li je ispitanik raspravljao o društvenim problemima sa roditeljima), gubi na značaju u sadašnjem trenutku u odnosu na prethodni period, a diskusije sa vršnjacima zamenjuju diskusije sa roditeljima. Religijska pripadnost nije značajno povezana sa građanskim angažmanom i volontiranjem. U radu se raspravljaju teorijske i praktične implikacije opisane situacije u odnosu na socijalnu integraciju. ----1 2 3 334 SOCIOLOGIJA, Vol. LIV (2012), N° 2