k-splittable delay constrained routing problem: A branch and price approach

Jerome Truffot, Christophe Duhamel, Philippe Mahey
2007 2007 6th International Workshop on Design and Reliable Communication Networks  
Routing problems, which include a QoS-based path control, play a key role in broadband communication networks. We analyze here an algorithmic procedure based on branch-and-price algorithm and on the flow deviation method to solve a nonlinear k -splittable flow problem. The model can support end-to-end delay bounds on each path and we compare the behavior of the algorithm with and without these constraints. The trade-off between QoS guarantees and CPU time is clearly established and we show that
more » ... minimizing the average delay on all arcs will yield solutions close to the optimal one at a significant computational saving.
doi:10.1109/drcn.2007.4762284 fatcat:f3hzlm2zmrfa7lqxhgj67yv46e