Microstructure and Optical Properties of CdSe Microcrystals-Doped SiO2 Glass Thin Films Prepared by RF-Sputtering

Hiroyuki NASU, Shoji KANEKO, Jun MATSUOKA, Kanichi KAMIYA
1993 Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan  
SiO2 glass thin films doped with CdSe microcrystals were prepared by the RF-sputtering technique. The comentration and mean diameter of the microcrystals strongly depended on the relative surface area of CdSe chipson SiO2 target, and the size distribution was remarkably influenced by the substrate temperature. The size distrilbution was independent of the mean di ameter, and standard deviation was below 10.0A which is nearly half of that of CdSxSe1-x microcrystals in a typical commercial filter
more » ... glass. The quantum size eect in CdSe crystals was found from the blue shift of the op tical absorption edge. However, the shift clearly deviat ed from the simple theoretical predictions based on the confined exciton effect and individually confined elec tron and hole effect. Thus, introduction of electric cor relation of electron-hole and the influence of the matrix on the dielectric constant of the microcrystals into the latter effect were found to be necessary to ob tain good agreement with the experimental data. Quan tum confined Stark effect would iufluence the electro optic effect of the fm.
doi:10.2109/jcersj.101.548 fatcat:z3ab72y43vedda7ijavmozex4e