Evaluation of perception of quality of life of disabled athletes [dataset]

Prystupa Tetyana, Bolach Bartosz
2014 Figshare  
To evaluate the perception of quality of life for athletes -disabled, participating in individual and team Paralympic sports. Material: The study involved 32 athletes sports club "Start" in Wroclaw in 2013, engaged in individual sports: swimming, weightlifting, powerlifting (powerlifting) and command: wheelchair basketball and volleyball in a sitting position. Results: Studies have proven that sports people with physical disabilities have a positive effect on the quality of their lives.
more » ... ons: 1. Study aspects of perception of quality of life is a complex issue, but deserves proper attention and appropriate force to study it. 2. Athletes -Disabled involved both individual and team sports, the perception of quality of life is average.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.903687 fatcat:6swdspxqsbbi5fbhauy4euzavm