Correlation Between Hardness and Residual Stress in ZrO2(3Y)/metal Functionally Graded Materials

Mamoru Omori, Hirotaka Sakai, Katsuhiro Nishiyama, Eiji Suzuki, Toshio Hirai
1995 Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy  
Dense FGMs were fabricated from ZrO2(3Y) and metals (Ni and stainless steel) by spark plasma sintering. These FGMs exhibited two kinds of residual stress (a local stress and a layer stress), local stress is stored in each layer, while layer stress is dispersed throughout each layer of the whole FGM. The local stress was estimated by measuring Vickers hardness.
doi:10.2497/jjspm.42.1384 fatcat:bfcykbm77jfv5hthv6ir5chp2q