The Circulation of Knowledge in Humanities: A Case Study from the Perspective of Actor–Network Theory

Tomasz Markiewka
2018 Avant: Journal of Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard  
There are many case studies showing the benefits of the conceptual framework of Actor-Network Theory (ANT). It is enough to mention the classic texts by Bruno Latour on the Amazon forest and Michel Callon on scallop fishing. However, there are not many case studies discussing the circulation of knowledge in the humanities with the use of vocabulary taken from ANT. This text tries to partially fill the gap, analyzing a case encompassing the areas of both literary studies and philosophy. The main
more » ... topic of the paper is the circulation of Jacques Derrida's views -or the views attributed to Derrida -as exemplified by one of his theses. The purpose of the text is not to reflect on the value of Derrida's reflections, but only to show how the knowledge of his thought spread from France, through the USA, to Poland, from the 1960s to the beginning of the 21 st century. Besides proving that the ANT vocabulary is suitable for studying the phenomenon of the circulation of knowledge in the humanities, the case study also shows that this vocabulary should be enriched. The author of the text proposes the concept of symbolization to better understand how Derrida and the ideas attributed to him have been perceived in various texts.
doi:10.26913/avant.2018.03.04 fatcat:vvng6gldljcbtctgz2zit7zolu