Tight-binding model investigation of the biaxial strain induced topological phase transition in GeCH3

Mohsen Rezaei, Esmaeil Taghizadeh Sisakht, Farhad Fazileh, Zahra Aslani, F. M. Peeters
2017 Physical review B  
We propose a tight-binding (TB) model, that includes spin-orbit coupling (SOC), to describe the electronic properties of methyl-substituted germanane (GeCH_3). This model gives an electronic spectrum in agreement with first principle results close to the Fermi level. Using the Z_2 formalism, we show that a topological phase transition from a normal insulator (NI) to a quantum spin Hall (QSH) phase occurs at 11.6% biaxial tensile strain. The sensitivity of the electronic properties of this
more » ... on strain, in particular its transition to the topological insulating phase, makes it very attractive for applications in strain sensors and other microelectronic applications.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.96.085441 fatcat:mwao7ikyvraprd73cmbahhvu5i