Artifficial Reefs - New Habitats of Marine Life

Albert Zahtila, Elvis Zahtila, Roko Dejhalla
2018 Journal of Maritime & Transportation Science  
The aim of this paper is to analyze the problem of artificial reefs, to warn to the need for definition of such facilities in the national legal framework and in the context of urban ecology, present their potential for the marine environment. A review and analysis of national legal frameworks and European regulations regarding the possibilities of their establishment and management is given, all towards to reduce the eutrophication process, the increase of the fish stock and the creation of a
more » ... one for the prohibition of fishing in order to protect the coastline and enable the renewal of marine biodiversity and ecosystems in Republic of Croatia.
doi:10.18048/2018-00.105 fatcat:bjyuvkjz45gpfaoksoab5zl3oi