A Brief Overview on Biodegradable Polymers in Drug Delivery Systems

Arezou Mashak
2014 Quarterly   unpublished
Key Words biodegradable polymers, drug delivery systems, natural polymers, synthetic polymers, hydrolysis process Polymerization F abrication of polymeric biodegradable products has gained much attention in solving environmental pollution, safety and health problems. Furthermore, the biodegradable polymers have been developed in medicine and drug delivery fields to avoid post-operation removal of the implants at the end of their functional life. This article introduces some conventional
more » ... dable natural and synthetic polymers in medical and drug delivery applications. In this respect, some factors which may affect degradation and drug delivery profiles and also, commercial devices based on these polymers are introduced and discussed. Finally, the physical and mechanical properties of biodegradable polymers are compared so to be able to choose the most suitable systems in relation to their specific applications. a.mashak@ippi.ac.ir