The Optimum Comb Method of Pitch Period Analysis of Continuous Digitized Speech

J. A. Moorer
1974 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
ApprevMl i\ ■MlPiilMiM !■ vwAK-Wfi;' .;'5 , >f!* Unclassified St'curitv Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL 0/ TA -R & D (St'cnrily classification ot tltto, body of nblttracl itnd indexing Annotation must be Jnftfred when the overall report Is ctassitled) 1 OHIGINATING *c n VITV fCorpora/e oulhor; Stanford, dal i fnrm a gkSQjä 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION
doi:10.1121/1.1914723 fatcat:bw5ws252mvdrpdibv7guvcgdhu