A Case Study of Inventory Management in a Manufacturing Company in China

Hong Shen, Qiang Deng, Rebecca Lao, Simon Wu
2016 Nang Yan Business Journal  
In this paper, we focus on inventory management in a manufacturing company in China. This study aims to identify the key factors that influence inventory management practices, investigate efficient and effective inventory management approaches, and examine the impact of supplier cooperation on supply chain improvement. A case study approach is used to identify the key factors that influence inventory management in a factory. Efficient and effective inventory management practices are derived
more » ... the case study and may provide practical guidance for foreign manufacturers in China. This study provides a valuable tool for identifying the key factors in inventory management which can be applied to similar problems encountered in actual manufactories.
doi:10.1515/nybj-2017-0003 fatcat:vwnxccrzenek5lbcw23vkpulu4