Finite-Element Analysis on Seismic Behavior of Hexagonal-Hole Variable Cross-Section Honeycomb Beam Portal Rigid Frame

Feng XU, Lei TONG, Qinggang LI
2017 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering   unpublished
In order to analyze the seismic performance of the hexagonal-hole variable cross-section honeycomb beam portal frame, the finite element analysis software ABAQUS is used to analyze the seismic behavior of the portal frame with the same span, same beam-to-column distance, hole number, opening ratio is 50% ~ 80% of the regular hexagonal-hole variable cross-section honeycomb beam portal rigid frame for analysis and comparison, the force characteristics of hexagonal-hole variable cross-section
more » ... comb beam portal rigid frame under low-cycle cyclic loading are obtained. This paper compares and analyzes the seismic behavior of hexagonal-hole variable cross -section portal frame with different opening ratio under earthquake action, such as the stress process, failure mode, hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, stiffness degradation and ductility. The plastic hinge of the structure is located at the first honeycomb hole near the beam end and away from the beam-column connection node, which reduces the possibility of brittle fracture at the weld of the variablesection portal frame beam-column joint and improves the turning ability, good ductility of steel can be fully played. The bearing capacity, ductility and stiffness of the portal frame with the solid web are gradually decreased with the increase of the opening rate. The seismic performance of honeycomb variable cross-section portal frame as the original solid web portal frame, but it has light weight, good economic benefit, both beautiful and advantages in the holes through the pipeline equipment layout, and has great practical value in actual engineering application.
doi:10.2991/aece-16.2017.109 fatcat:u6omphv6bzhdbjmrxeqk7hsdqa