Solubilization of Dairy Sludge using Ultrasonic Pretreatment
초음파를 이용한 유가공 슬러지의 가용화

Sang Jae Moon, Byeong Cheol Jeon, Jin Taek Choi, Se Yong Nam
2017 Journal of Milk Science and Biotechnology  
The effects of ultrasonic (1.2~1.7 kJ/g TS) pretreatment on the solubilization of dairy and livestock sludge were separately evaluated to investigate the possibility of recycling dairy sludge as a potential source of organic carbon. Compared to other industrial wastewater and sewage sludge, dairy sludge has higher organic matter content and no toxic materials. The solubilization rates of dairy and livestock sludge, at a specific energy input of 1.7 kJ/g TS, were 14.5% and 10.6%, respectively.
more » ... ter the 90-minute ultrasonic treatment, the soluble COD (chemical oxygen demand) increased about 7.1 times that of the initial SCOD, at an increase rate of 0.022 m -1 . In comparison, the increase in soluble nitrogen, which was ~3.4 times that of the initial soluble nitrogen concentration, was much smaller than the increase in SCOD; thus, the C/N ratio increased from 4.0 to 8.7.
doi:10.22424/jmsb.2017.35.4.244 fatcat:bxljadvldndgta4tnn7olvip4y