The Temperance Reform

1847 Scientific American  
The following extract from an editorial under this head, m the "Spirit of the Age," especially its easy alld sudden transition from the sublime to the ridiculous, is perhaps the most perfect illustration of the real, prevalent spirit of the age that could be produced.) From all ouarters of the world we hear news of the most exciting and interesting character. CommotIOns, convulsions, combats, cannona ding-popular tumults-progress of free prin ciples-omens of war-preparations for strife
more » ... on-pestilence-floods, fires &, fam ine-earthquakes and tempests-disasters at sea and casualties on land-the spread of infi delity and the trIUmphs of truth-moral ma chi nery for the conversion of the world, and physical improvements to perfect its material forms-the divine and the infernal from the spirit world, working by "influx," strange de Yelopments in the natural-philosophy which predicts that our round earth shall stand for ever unharmed by floods of fire, and umlestroy ed by any convulsion of nature-and on the other hand prophecies with "times half times' and "prophetic periods," mysterious numbers,
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican04241847-242y fatcat:tobsrayqcfb67fewt65vqjlvru