A Case Report: A Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty in A Patient with Alkaptonuria

Dagnino A Ursino N
2013 Orthopedic & Muscular System  
Ochronosis is connective tissue manifestation of Alkaptonuria. Joint involvement especially hip and knee destruction is seen. The cartilage is pigmented and destroyed. A 55years old male ( Figure 1 ) with a previous total arthroplasty on both shoulders, has recently develop a hip pain. He was affected of alkaptonuria (AKU). We proceed with a total hip arthroplasty with cement less cup and modular cement less stem. Functional and quality of life scores of pre operative and post operative were
more » ... pared with good results. The HHS had raised from 38,725 to 89,725, the SF36 raised too. There are no data of evaluation of QoL in literature in patients with AKU.
doi:10.4172/2161-0533.1000126 fatcat:mvv23gafovdsraexmrf6caocs4