Word-Sense Distinguishability and Inter-Coder Agreement

Rebecca F. Bruce, Janyce Wiebe
1998 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
It. is common in NLP that the categories into which text is classified do not have fully objective definitions. Examples of such categories are lexical distinctions such as part-of-speech tags and wordsense distinctions, sentence level distinctions such as phrase attachment, and discourse level distinct.icms such as topic or speech-act categorization. This p>1per presents an approach to analy?-ing the agrcen1ent arnong lnnnan judges for the purpose of formulating a refined and more reliable set
more » ... of category designations. We use these techniques to analyze the sense tags assigned by five judgps to the noun intcr•est. The initial tag set is takmi from Longman's Dictionary of Contemporary }i:nglish. Through this process of analysis, we automatically identify and assign a revised set of sense tags for the data. The revised tags exhibit high reliability as measured by Cohen's r;.. Such techniques are important for formulating and evaluating both human and automated classification systems.
dblp:conf/emnlp/BruceW98 fatcat:m7zfeme73vdorftkq26q6mf5hu