The Relationship Between DSGE and VAR Models [chapter]

Raffaella Giacomini
2013 Advances in Econometrics  
This chapter reviews the literature on the econometric relationship between DSGE and VAR models from the point of view of estimation and model validation. The mapping between DSGE and VAR models is broken down into three stages: 1) from DSGE to statespace model; 2) from state-space model to VAR(1); 3) from VAR(1) to nite order VAR. The focus is on discussing what can go wrong at each step of this mapping and on critically highlighting the hidden assumptions. I also point out some open research
more » ... uestions and interesting new research directions in the literature on the econometrics of DSGE models. These include, in no particular order: understanding the effects of log-linearization on estimation and identi cation; dealing with multiplicity of equilibria; estimating nonlinear DSGE models; incorporating into DSGE models information from atheoretical models and from survey data; adopting exible modelling approaches that combine the theoretical rigor of DSGE models and the econometric model's ability to t the data.
doi:10.1108/s0731-9053(2013)0000031001 fatcat:nqz7hzdcyfcxpp2je7vyf65n7y