Maryland Gazette September 1835

(:Unkn) Unknown
woo e, "'wit! ll Of I •I eirlr I", On v/ooO. *. ie. i rforl aunt rily. tteiided i ountrj i > It* { pinioj'i iii ihrtc] tffUli. or MJ on S«c!tl IrFuJ j»"l lion K rrii u( | 1i« J» ?flof oniulioo ^1 I ini f i»« it nĤ ibic/ib in i ie pi rnili of I will confj Ihe Joii] olc lit ti rt'Prince George** county. ^ IJTTXLL'S KU8I.U F01EK1N «nu intclli-."u .v. -J which the' aab.criber haa Un ' to rerde, hi. hope of nHimatp eocbut proceed* from the eminent KT,u"-i.ofil»loe»tinn-Publl.hcd in the '* J.. .f *
more » ... rs. «nd we.llh7 count" .it. flii.iliiUnt from the State and Na-niu^ facilitief of an early commutl whatever may interc.t it. patron., aflVintdl to (lie Editorj and i he *uT not hone to preMnt tn hi. i«*ch foreign information throoirh. the n«ef hit column., not derivable fnun rimraili. It'» >l'" certain thai intfclli-VV, local nature, inlerciling to all, leporuni w many;, »nd othcrwiws tinat-jjlrT «ill bt tliii mean, be communicated. knll >)H offer U th^e wUoio mean, are in-Mtite Io th* etpcnie of tbe lirgtr jonr-, it leiU a aynoptical view of all the imit iQ/urmatiun they conUilt) and h« i tint Uiu»c of literary ta.te m»y aume-I in iti column*, article* not aorori itnployncnt of ihek loreare. A« kiln ofevtry ptsblicatitm which U to find trcii in pupulitr lauporf, matt fir.t bw i«J before public patrnnnge can be ex-, Ibe Editor wonld here nisrk tha ootdeiign, with the foil knowledge I conititole an ordeal, by which, tn i it. merit and th< fidelity e/ Hicr.. «« DwM.r. a y«*r, in u ..,^dollar. a*xl half, If not in riranee. ahaeta, tinaer 100 nrU«» Tt ce*t*i*rer 100 miiea, f*4 ctrfet*. . IT TfcW week will be Mnt tn any Pout Of-Ac. ia> the Unit*. State*, carefully wrapped Bp> wp**a receipt of AH jollati in part paymest. . A raw complete wt* are for .ate. EaUVAatSED (EBIES OF THE 5ta7tE« vn. M R. L1TTBLL ha. much plennr* in annooneing ta tbe patron, of the MV.B. UM, that he ha* jmade arrangement* for the future publication ol Ihe work in a "Ivle much aperior to the pre..nt and nearly approaching what he ha. alway. deiired that it ihould appear In. The circulaUpn of the work i. now .o large, u to make it Important to the proprietor that he ibould be able tn give hi* I whole attention tn It. .Thi. haa hitherto Been prevented by the c»re Iml labour attendant upon a moltifarlon. and widely extended bu-
doi:10.13016/m2ff3m144 fatcat:7x4hzrmcybcdpknkxttqgpsoya