Valid region recognition in digital images of medical x-ray imaging

Jun Gao, Yixian Wang, Jie Bao, Xuedong Yang, Qiang Hu, Hong Liu, Qingming Luo
2000 Biomedical Photonics and Optoelectronic Imaging  
An important part of Picture Archive and Communication Systems (PACS) is the Digital processing of Medical X ray images. As a result of the fact that the digital images collected by X ray Imaging facilities in Chinese hospitals generally contain many invalid regions, it is useful to recognize the valid regions and make these regions the only regions to process. Recognition of valid regions not only reduces image storage and the quantity of operations, it also improves the quality of the images.
more » ... In this paper, we discuss an approach to recognize the valid regions and present the results of the experiment.
doi:10.1117/12.403960 fatcat:kfaoam7kjbhu3aeaz4tdbhmpaq