Hamid Ahtesham, Yasir Javed, Shabir Hussain Khahro, Sarah Almuqhim
2019 Proceedings of the 7th Teaching & Education Conference, London   unpublished
It has been reflected during teaching ETHC303 "Ethical and Social Aspects of Computing" at Prince Sultan University, Riyadh that the students have a vague understanding about the subject at the beginning of the semester. They believe it as a second course and expecting higher grades in it, whereas the scenario is the other way around. The subject of this nature to be taught in final year class cannot be covered in the traditional way. As it is more towards practical practice rather than bookish
more » ... approach. There were three techniques used to analyse this problem in this case study including Individual Interviews, Literature Review Task (LRT) as a Flipped Class Room (FCR) approach and Field Trip (FT). In the end, Visual Clips were also used as an experiment for learning objectives delivery. It is analysed that the literature review task as a flipped classroom approach could not produce satisfactory results for courses like ethics. Whereas field trips significantly produced satisfactory results for such a problem. It is also observed that visual clips are helpful for outline delivery within the subject of such typical nature. It is concluded that field trips, visual clips and individual counselling are quite supportive and helpful to increase learning and knowledge in the subjects such as ETHC303 "Ethical and Social Aspects of Computing".
doi:10.20472/tec.2019.007.002 fatcat:4rfrnxswkrdnrmt3cgw77z7a6a