Keeping up Appearances: The Development of Adjudicatory Jurisdiction in the English Courts

Andrew Dickinson
2017 British Year Book of International Law  
Word count (excluding front page, including footnotes): 34,978 Abstract: This article traces the development of the adjudicatory jurisdiction of the English courts between the 17 th and 20 th centuries. The account provides, it is submitted, a number of valuable insights, which call into question current accounts of the common law rules governing both the adjudicatory jurisdiction of local courts and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. It is the present author's principal
more » ... ntion that the so called "principles" of presence and submission, which are central tenets of English private international law, are not only unsatisfactory in principle, but lacking in historical support as elements of the common law landscape.
doi:10.1093/bybil/brx003 fatcat:awjaujnlljhyliaitlkq32ja5u