Rekonstuksi Metode Belajar Kontektualis Santri Pondok Pesantren Salaf dan Khalaf di Madura

Zaitur Rahem
2017 Fikrotuna: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam  
Dunia pendidikan di Indonesia sering dibingungkan dengan persoalan pencarian metode belajar alternatif. Kebimbangan ini terjadi karena elemen pemerintah melihat, hasil dari proses yang dilakukan sejumlah lembaga pendidikan dinilai kurang maksimal. Beberapa perubahanan metode belajar telah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal. Sehingga mengemuka pertanyaan, kegagalan pendidikan disebabkan oleh metode atau lebih karena factor sumber daya manusianya? Dalam perkembangannya, pondok pesantren
more » ... bagai menjadi salafiyah dan khalafiyah. Pondok pesantren dianggap sejumlah pihak sebagai kawah penuh inspirasi dan motivasi. Santri bisa belajar dengan dinamis. Meski dalam kampium keterbatasan. Proses di pondok pesantren selamana ini dipandang mampu menghasilkan produk berkarakter. Seperti apa realitas pondok pesantren salaf dengan khalaf. Kata Kunci: Metode Belajar, Pesantren. Abstract: The world of education in Indonesia is often confused with the question of finding alternative learning methods. This balance occurs because the elements of the government saw, the results of the process undertaken by some educational institutions considered less than the maximum. Several changes of learning method have been done to get maximum result. So that raises the question, the failure of education caused by the method or more because of the human resources factor? The reality of early education, represented by traditional educational institutions archipelago, boarding school. In its development, Boarding School is divided into salafiyah and khalafiyah. Boarding School is considered a number of parties as a crater full of inspiration and motivation. Students can learn dynamically. Although in the campium limitations. The process at this Boarding School boarding house is considered capable of producing character products. What is the reality of Boarding School salaf cottage with khalaf. Keyword : Alternatif, salaf , khalaf
doi:10.32806/jf.v5i1.2948 fatcat:nkyyresacfhebogjkfgogcsxda