Degradation and Decolourisation of Textile Industry Effluents using FungiCBNR isolates

G Karthikeyan, R Ponmalar, R Ragunathan, Jesteena Johnney
2015 International Journal on Applied Bio-Engineering  
A dye is used to impart colour to a material, mainly azo dyes are the major produced synthetic dyestuffs because they are extensively used in the textile, leather, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Objective: The azo dyes are important chemical pollutants released from textile industries as unwanted effluents, so to evaluate the biodegrading ability of white rot fungi against the carcinogenic effluents. Methods: In the present study,Pleurotus platypus could tolerate dye effluents and its
more » ... maximum growth was observed at 36°C. Maximum rate of decolourisation was observed (95%) when glucose and peptone was supplemented in the medium, and within 6day. Decolourisation was confirmed by Biomass measurement and UV -VIS spectrophotometer. Further, it is confirmed by Laccase enzyme assay and its molecular mass identified by SDS-PAGE. Result: That white rot fungi to degrade toxic dyes enzymatically, into non-toxic product form. Then that water used to plant growth. Conclusion: This work provides anoutline about microbial decolourisation (a bio-safety method) of dyes with highlights the application of these processes for the treatment of dye containing waste water.
doi:10.18000/ijabeg.10135 fatcat:edol7ct2hff7ppmhsckh5ulzki