3D printing, artificially intelligent robots and software inventions, is technology shaking the reign of IP law

Muhammet Emir ÇELİK
2021 Selcuk Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi  
Intellectual property (IP) rights have always had difficulties to cope with disruptive technologies. Development of AI-implemented works and common use of it pushes the boundaries of IP protection. Increase of machines which can independently act or create things have posed a numerous concern of patent system such as how will the inventive step, prior art, inventorship and technical contribution evaluated. Nevertheless, the grey area is how patent holders will protect their rights on products
more » ... ainst direct and indirect infringement which can also made by 3D printers. This article analyses that the question of is the current patent regime sufficient to evaluate software-implemented works, 3D printing and Robotics to detect potential infringements and reaches the conclusion that it does not seem to be answered affirmatively based on current regulations. This article argues that some legal regulations should be done to overcome the uncertainty of AI generated works' protection scope.
doi:10.15337/suhfd.1012862 fatcat:rxsg45errfevnlqxxhwddy7e5q