A first model of stable magnetic configuration in stellar radiation zones

Vincent Duez, Jonathan Braithwaite, Stéphane Mathis
2010 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union  
AbstractWe test the stability of a magnetic equilibrium configuration using numerical simulations and semi-analytical tools. The tested configuration is, as described by Duez & Mathis (2010), the lowest energy state for a given helicity in a stellar radiation zone. We show using 3D magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations that the present configuration is stable with respect to all submitted perturbations, that would lead to the development of kink-type instabilities in the case of purely
more » ... idal or toroidal fields, both well known to be unstable. We also discuss, using semi-analytic work, the stabilizing influence of one component on the other and show that the found configuration actually lies in the stability domain predicted by a linear analysis of resonant modes.
doi:10.1017/s1743921311007514 fatcat:jqpvwkkmjjguvfp2uucsjmque4