A simple control strategy applied to three-phase rectifier units for telecommunication applications using single-phase rectifier modules

M.L. Heldwein, A. Ferrari de Souza, I. Barbi
30th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Record. (Cat. No.99CH36321)  
This paper presents a simple control technique applied to three-phase rectifier units with high power factor and equilibrated currents in the input. The rectifier unit is composed of three single-phase modules without neutral connection and independent power factor pre-regulation stages. In order to obtain equal power processing in each phase, the output current of each single-phase module needs only to be equal, once the output voltage is common to all of them. The same current in each module
more » ... s ensured by the current mode control technique. Theoretical analysis of the control technique, along with experimental results are provided in this paper.
doi:10.1109/pesc.1999.785601 fatcat:rr2ldqlmlrf4pax2h643odxpzy