1P081 Single-molecule measurements of kinetics and dynamics of an epidermal growth factor receptor upon Grb2-binding(01E. Protein:Measurement & Analysis,Poster)
1P081 Grb2結合にともなうEGFRのキネティクスとダイナミクスの1分子計測(01E. 蛋白質:計測・解析の方法論,ポスター,日本生物物理学会年会第51回(2013年度))

Kenji Okamoto, Yasushi Sako
2013 Seibutsu Butsuri  
1P079 DFT によるテラヘルツ領域におけるアミノ酸とペプチドの 低振動モードの帰属 DFT approach for the assignment of low-frequency vibrational modes of amino acids and peptides in the terahertz frequency region Ohki Kambara (RIE, Shizuoka Univ.) To understand the low-frequency vibrational modes observed in the terahertz (THz) spectroscopic region, not only the experimental study but also the theoretical works are needed. In this paper, the frequency calculation of amino acid including glycine and L-alanine and these short peptides
more » ... are performed with density functional theory (DFT) package, CRYSTAL09, where the periodic boundary condition (PBC) is implemented. The number of theoretically obtained normal modes in the THz region increase with increasing chain length. This trend continues to the bigger polypeptides, proteins, whose THz spectra are uniformly smoothed and featureless. On the other hand, temperature dependence of calculated outcomes is discussed at the same time. 1P080 吸引式反応システムを用いたウェスタンブロッティング法に よるペプチドの高感度検出 A new approach to detect small peptides clearly and sensitively by Western blotting using a vacuum-assisted detection method
doi:10.2142/biophys.53.s119_3 fatcat:ygmu3hkewrg6xeauyygubpdwva