Introduction: What Is Lyric Philosophy?

Warren Heiti
2015 Philosophy and Literature  
What is lyric philosophy? The clearest response to that question is the book-length investigation by canadian philosopher and poet Jan Zwicky. If philosophy can be defined as thinking in love with clarity, then lyric philosophy might be roughly understood as such thinking in which clarity assumes the form of resonance. among her paradigmatic lyric philosophers, Zwicky includes (inter alia) the aphorists Herakleitos and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Lyric is distinguished by its deep structure, which is
more » ... olydimensional and integrative. Epistemically, this structure responds to the gestural root of meaning, which is ineffably manifest in the physical world.
doi:10.1353/phl.2015.0000 fatcat:2yrqwqymergu5dseecb5ufsuk4