Scaling behavior of linear polymers in disordered media

Hans-Karl Janssen, Olaf Stenull
2007 Physical Review E  
Folklore has, that the universal scaling properties of linear polymers in disordered media are well described by the statistics of self-avoiding walks Folklore has, that the universal scaling properties of linear polymers in disordered media are well described by the statistics of self-avoiding walks (SAWs) on percolation clusters and their critical exponent ν_SAW, with SAW implicitly referring to average SAW. Hitherto, static averaging has been commonly used, e.g. in numerical simulations, to
more » ... etermine what the average SAW is. We assert that only kinetic, rather than static, averaging can lead to asymptotic scaling behavior and corroborate our assertion by heuristic arguments and a renormalizable field theory. Moreover, we calculate to two-loop order ν_SAW, the exponent ν _max for the longest SAW, and a new family of multifractal exponents ν^(α).
doi:10.1103/physreve.75.020801 pmid:17358306 fatcat:bh5iwolprzcwdlvv63cdwcwq7i