Chevron Defect at the Intersection of Grain Boundaries with Free Surfaces in Au

T. Radetic, F. Lançon, U. Dahmen
2002 Physical Review Letters  
We have identified a new defect at the intersection between grain boundaries and surfaces in Au using atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy. At the junction line of 90 h110i tilt grain boundaries of (110)-(001) orientation with the free surface, a small segment of the grain boundary, about 1 nm in length, dissociates into a triangular region with a chevronlike stacking disorder and a distorted hcp structure. The structure and stability of these defects are confirmed by atomistic
more » ... ulations, and we point out the relationship with the one-dimensional incommensurate structure of the grain boundary.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.89.085502 pmid:12190479 fatcat:2gex2wr62jcxtkhmvnn5nq32ei