Conhecimento botânico e representações ambientais em uma comunidade rural no Domínio Atlântico: bases para conservação local

Gustavo Taboada Soldati, Reinaldo Duque-Brasil, Taline Cristina Da Silva, France Maria Gontijo Coelho, Ulysses Paulino De Albuquerque
2012 SITIENTIBUS série Ciências Biológicas  
This paper aimed to contribute to building conservation strategies, evaluating specific realitiesand knowledge of the local communities that manage the landscape. In this ethnobotanical study, the knowledge of a ruralcommunity and the local concerns about an Atlantic Forest fragment, currently under legal protection, at Viçosa, MinasGerais, are presented. Data from 26 participants was collected using a series of ethnobotanical methods, such as semistructuredinterviews, free lists, guided tours
more » ... nd cognitive maps. A total of 134 species were recognized. Apuleialeiocarpa (Caesalpinaceae), Xylopia sericea (Annonaceae), Myrcia fallax (Myrtaceae), Ocotea odorifera (Lauraceae) andPiptadenia gonoacantha (Mimosaceae) were the most recorded. Resources were divided into six use categories, andconstruction was the most important. The Collective Subject Discourse analysis about environmental concerns revealeda detailed knowledge of a variety of ecological processes, such as the diversity of plants, animals and vegetation types,plant interactions and the presence of bioindicators. The results provide an initial description of the relationship betweenthe local community research partner and the forest fragment that was studied, being a starting point for the proposals tothe biodiversity conservation considering the local reality.
doi:10.13102/scb74 fatcat:4dgtt6tuafd7vobuc6ketabege