PCF Investigation to Improve the Performance of Tora – Based Manet Against Jamming Attacks

Sabbar Insaif Jasim
2014 International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey  
Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Network became very important due to the nature of wireless communication between the nodes and the rapid movement of node which make Mobile Ad hoc Network vulnerable to Attackers. Jamming is a DoS attack's special category used in wireless networks. The attacker disrespects the medium access control (MAC) protocol and transmits on the shared channel; either periodically or continuously to target all or some communication, respectively. Distributed coordination
more » ... (DCF) and Point coordination function (PCF) are the two different media access control (MAC) mechanisms which are specified by the IEEE 802.11standard. PCF can achieve higher throughput than DCF due to the nature of contention-free, therefore, this paper investigate the impact of PCF when integrated into the TORA -Based MANET and how it can improve the performance of the network. OPNET -Based simulation scenarios were created and the simulation was run and the results were collected which investigate that PCF provided a good functionality to improve deficiency caused by the Jammers this by increasing the throughput and decreasing the delay which is affected by the Jammers. PCF was a good improvement with different levels of Jammers' transmission power.
doi:10.5121/ijcses.2014.5302 fatcat:xeiwuu6qkzgjtgsqe3hpnq7aja