
2005 Neuroendocrinology  
The ENETS announces a call for abstracts to be presented at its 3rd Annual Conference, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, March 22-24, 2006. Two abstract sessions will be held during the conference, one for clinical research, the second for basic research. Clinical research abstracts should be submitted under one of the following terms: diagnostics, therapeutics, unusual cases, or new developments. Basic research abstracts should be submitted under one of the following terms: molecular
more » ... cs, tumor biology, or immunology. Abstracts should be up to 350 words and should include a short (50-60 words) biography. Deadline to submit an abstract is December 31, 2005. Abstracts can be submitted online at the ENETS' website, For questions about submitting an abstract, contact enets.offi
doi:10.1159/000089286 fatcat:4u5ayqk6prdn3pev7yzww7ma6q