Acquisition of L2 Discourse Structure in CSL: A Study of Lexical Cohesion of CSL Learners

2013 US-China Foreign Language  
This is a first study to look at English-speaking CSL (Chinese as a second language) learners' development of Cantonese discourse structure. A longitudinal study lasted for 18 months has been done to trace four CSL learners' acquisition of lexical cohesion devices. Learners' outcome in narrative story making and speech lessons are recorded and transcribed for the study. The data show that learners have steady growth in using lexical cohesion devices. SLR (Simple Lexical Repetition) is the most
more » ... requently used device. However, other types of lexical cohesion devices, such as Paraphrasing, CR (Co-reference), and E (Ellipsis) are less preferred devices as compared with native Cantonese speakers (in the control group). The research throws some lights to future research concerning acquisition of lexical cohesion devices as well as open up questions for language teachers and materials developers to consider.
doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2013.12.004 fatcat:ufayyiw2fvhdzeynk5mqgr3w3i