Model Parameter Sensitivity for Structural Analysis of Composite Slab Structures in Fire

Riza Suwondo, Lee Cunningham, Martin Gillie, Made Suangga, Irpan Hidayat
2021 International Journal of Technology  
The behavior of buildings during fires has recently become a significant issue. Analyzing structures at elevated temperatures is complex and challenging in structural engineering as engineers must take into consideration factors that may not be included at ambient temperatures, namely material and geometric non-linearity as well as time-temperature-varying strength. In this study, the finite element software ABAQUS was applied to model and simulate the behavior of structures in fire events.
more » ... l beams and columns were modeled using two-node linear beam elements, while concrete slabs were discretized using shell elements. A series of verification analyses were conducted to ensure that the analysis produced an acceptable level of accuracy. Furthermore, an extensive sensitivity study was carried out to obtain the appropriate modeling parameters to be used in subsequent numerical analyses.
doi:10.14716/ijtech.v12i2.3919 fatcat:l3xq7bf4gzdunpbk7ycxu5viom