Solvent Refining of Straight Run Diesel Fuel by Various Solvents Phase Equilibrium

Sahar Tawfik, Sana Hassan, Omar Sif El-Din, Sahar Tawfik
2009 Journal of Applied Sciences Research   unpublished
Refining of straight run diesel fuel fraction (boiling range 212-343 C) containing 29.5 wt. % o aromatic and 1.56 wt.% sulfur was carried out by solvent extraction using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), furfural, N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) + 10wt.% ethyleneglycol (EG) and dimethylformamide (DMF) + 10wt. % EG for the production of clean diesel fuel of low aromatic and sulfur contents. Extraction process was carried out at 60 c for furfural and at 50 c for the other studied solvents. Countercurrent 00
more » ... tiple contact extraction results for the previous systems were derived from the ternary miscibility min diagrams by construction and calculation methods. The minimum and maximum amounts of solvents (S max m m & S) that may be use which define the final extract and raffinate phases (E & R) were estimated m from the ternary diagrams. The number of theoretical stages need for the production of R , yield, aromatic and sulfur contents of the raffinates and extracts products using the studied solvents at various solvent / feed ratios were determined.