Eficacia de Peak Plus® en el control de Caliroa cerasi (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)

Cesar Pino, Gonzalo Silva, Ruperto Hepp, Fernando Venegas
2007 Ciencia e Investigación Agraria  
C. Pino, G. Silva, R. Hepp, and F. Venegas. 2007. Effi cacy of Peak Plus ® against Caliroa cerasi (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Cien. Inv. Agr. 34(1):23-29. i The pear slug (Caliroa cerasi L.) is an important pest of sweet cherries in Chile. It attacks during the harvest and can only be controlled by organosynthetic insecticides. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fatty acids (Peak Plus ® ) of low risk of toxicity on mammals. The mortality and median lethal concentration
more » ... (LC 50 ) of Peak Plus ® against C. cerasi was determined under laboratory conditions using ten larvae fed on leaf disks in Petri dishes. The insecticide effi cacy and foliar damage were evaluated under fi eld conditions on sweet cherry cv. Bing. Treatments were arranged as randomized complete block design with six treatments replicated four times. The LC 50 obtained was 1.14 g·L -1 and LC 90 was 2.7 g·L -1 24 h after treatments. In the fi eld, Peak Plus ® at a concentration of 10 g·L -1 showed high effi cacy against C. cerasi, similar to the effects obtained with fenvalerate and methidathion. Peak Plus ® at the highest rate decreased foliar damage in a similar way to other insecticides currently used. Finally, we concluded that Peak Plus ® is an effi cient alternative to organosynthetic insecticides in the control of C. cerasi of sweet cherry.
doi:10.4067/s0718-16202007000100003 fatcat:ugqtrgd6ybhtpacgmtg2weiana