Chuzaimah Batubara
Qishâsh: Capital Sentence in Qur'anic Perspective. A great deal of controversy exists globally over capital sentencing or death penalty, which has a number of staunch opponents and defenders. In Islam, however, although a number of the text of revelations deals with such an issue, typically, capital crimes are very carefully outlined in the works of Qur'anic exegetes and Islamic legal scholars. The author argues that Islam guarantees and protects every single life and thus capital sentence
more » ... d be used in very rare cases and should be avoided as much as possible, but this does not necessarily mean to stop the possibility of it entirely. In addition, if capital sentence is finally justified and executed this is not aimed at killing people but rather maintaining and protecting lives from threatening forces. This paper is an attempt to analyze the Qur'anic verses thematically pertaining to capital sentence, how they should be understood and practiced. Kata Kunci: hukuman mati, qishâsh, al-Qur'an Pendahuluan Telah dipahami secara umum bahwa syariat diturunkan oleh Allah dalam bentuk hukum-hukum taklîfî, baik berupa perintah maupun larangan yang ditujukan untuk mewujudkan dan melestarikan kemaslahatan umat manusia, baik di dunia maupun di akhirat. Secara spesifik, pembebanan syariat bagi manusia ditujukan kepada lima hal, yaitu pemeliharaan agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan, dan harta. 1 Ketika kelima hal pokok ini tidak terjamin atau terusik, maka kemaslahatan, keselamatan dan perkembangan individu manusia, keteraturan sosial dan kesejahteraan masyarakat menjadi mustahil didapatkan. Jadi, bila salah satu dari lima unsur penting ini tidak terpelihara, akan lahirlah malapetaka 1 ' Alî Hasballah, Ushûl al-Tasyrî' al-Islâmî (Mesir, Dâr al-Ma'ârif, t.t.), h. 296.